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Mid Atlantic StaffinG ASSOCIATION

About us

The Mid Atlantic Staffing Association (MASA) takes pride in the profession of recruiting for both retained and contingency jobs. We search for the best possible match for both employer and employee. MASA aims to foster the highest level of competence and business practices among its members. We’re dedicated to educating our members, clients and the general public about the recruiting industry and its benefits.  Promoting the growth and welfare of the recruiting profession in the region and developing a common set of ethical standards and practices is our primary goal.

Client companies benefit from using the expertise and extensive network of MASA members. High standards and network practices ensure only the most professional behavior possible of all member firms.

Candidates who work with MASA member firms are guaranteed strict confidentiality, and receive all available and pertinent information about the potential employer and position.

Starting with just a dozen or so firms in 1980, MASA now has member firm locations throughout the mid-atlantic area, with a concentration in eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware. Our members represent a wide variety of professions and specialties.

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